It's my Day !!~

Hey !!~
Thank You so Much to all of You guys. Siapa mereka?? Mereka antara yang wish me on my besday.. But then still missing kat situ few pic yang wan xde idea kat mana nak dapatkan pic diaorang..
Thanks untuk :
Sufi Syuhadah & The Geng ~ thanks to you sebb call me then nyanyi ramai-ramai.. uwaa I’m speechless dear..
Aiman ~ He’s one of my bestfriend, dalam busy pun call lagik.. thanks, all the best in your final exam and also final semester..
Ayep ~ Call paling jauh wan dapat dari Sarawak, ni speechless gak sebb mcm ne la ayep tahu wan punya besday but then thanks .. *wink
Huda ~ First sms wan terima, kenalan wan yang di johor bharu.. Ingat lagik kan huda kat wan.. hehe thanks babe.
Antara text that I received :
Ross Hamad ~ “hepy besday my dear baby, muahxxxx”
Nazrie (my goodfellas) ~ “Haaaaaaaaaaaaq!!..hepy burfday!!!...smoga d pnjangkan umur & mura rezki..gud luck in ur final xm also..hehe..
K-Roul ~ “Happy Besdey”..
Ryzal ~ “Happy Birthday Haq! Muahx! Moga panjang umor dan murah rezeki. Huhu”
Izzah ~ “Kalau boleh, nak pos semua jenis kad, Tapi, Posmen kata.. Kad banyak sangat sampai nak terbalik motor dia..hehe..Hapie bufday”
Mohd Amirul ~ “sje je..epi besday heh”
Cali ~ “happy birthday haq !”
Sister Haslina ~ “Picture Msg + Slmt hari jadi ke 22.. smoga dpnjgkn umur n murah rezki n hepi alwiz..amin”
El-Zaffril ~ “Happy Birthday 2 u” (motif sangat kan? A few minute b4 my besday call bagai bebel kata wan xinform besday but then dia lewat jugak”
019-3713… ~ “Hapi bufday, moga panjang umur, murah rezki..”
Nana HS ~ “Happy 22nd birthday dude!! May Allah bless u all da time, the best of luck goes to u”
Athief ~ “Epi birthday..may Allah bless u in ebriting! Long live de king3x!! hehe” (motif wish ingt I raja)
Zaidi ~ “Hepi bezday **** haq.. wish u all d best 4 ur final..sori lmbt reply and so on” (till now motif reply tu? Aku ada anta msg ka?? Then dia story plak dia citer dia hepi ritu .. motif aku celebrate dia hepi bagai.. hiks)
Zek ~ “Sory, hepi brday 2 u, moga pnjg umr murh rzki, jaya xm. Ingt sok, hehe”
Adlie ~ “Happy bday”
Kak Jue a.k.a miss vogue ~ “Hye haq! Hepi besday.. may ol ur dreams come true”
Kak Izyan Izdihar a.k.a miss blur ~ “Hepi b’day..haqq”
Firwan ~ “(cute msg with a wish)”
Afif (my goodfellas) ~ “Kami 3 ekor kucing comel, wakil pada tuan kami, yang teramat comel, ingin mengucapkan selamat hari lahir..sorry lambat..tlupe..srabut bnyk kena stdy..hoho”
Nazmie (my goodfellas) ~ “hehe,sowy2 kemarin kn,happy belated yah. Tgh busy final exam, abis lupa dunia,hehe”
Biey a.k.a miss tembam ~ “Bucuk epy belated smga pnjg umo murah rezeki 6t muah2” (motif sgt kan)
Adam Iskandar ~ “Happy birthday! Haqq. Real sorry. Work stress” (motifkan past uterus gi pd x ajak,sentap!!)
Akim ~ “Abg, hapy birthday to you”
Ajim ~ “Uit. Epi belated besday..sori lmbt.. xm nye pasal.haha.moga sukses dlm idop”
Az ~ “sorry t’lupa la.. ok happy belated besday.. smoga pjg umur dan dimurahkan rezeki”
And Comment at Friendster + Facebook + Myspace:
bOb0y ~ Graphic pic .. (antara yang paling awal wish, sbbnya few days before my besday)
Afiq Amri ~ Graphic pic with msg “The candles on your birthday cake may fill your room with light! But someone as wonderful as you.. Makes all my days bright! Wishing you a very.. Happy Birthday!”
Mazwan ~ “hepi besday bro”
Elina Zachery ~ “Happy Birthday”
Reeni ~ Graphic pic “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”
Hafizah a.k.a Pijah ~ “Happy birthday.. hu3”
Fizan ~ “hye.. assalamualaikum.. happy birthday..semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezki dan di rahmati allah selalu..i miss u so much..huhu3
Deja ~ “happy birthday..”
Eira ~ “hepi besday..gud luck 4 final..”
Wanie Jasny ~ “assalamualaikum camat hari jadi”
Soul eyez ~ Graphic pic with msg “Happy Birthday”
Aduhai ~ Graphic pic with msg “Wishing you a day filled with sweet suprises!”
Adiputra ~ “Salam Hari Lahir bro. semoga diberkati. Amin!”
Fadzil ~ “happy BIRTHday..”
Firwan ~ “epy birthday!!”
Wani ~ “haq,hepi besday deh=)
At-tasneem ~ “Happy Birthday Beb..Be more Mature k.. eheks..
Solihin a.k.a Ubiey ~ Graphic pic with msg “Happy Birthday”
Ahmad Farhan ~ Graphic pic with msg “Wishing you a day filled with sweet suprises!”
Ukhti_farah ~ “epy besday tuyuk….:D
Anne’s ~ “haha..hepy belated abg haq..!! nanti anne masuk men camp, anne blanja sirap limau for your besday ek.. heheh..”
Hanif a.k.a Ustaz ~ “Selamat hepi belated besday..moga diberkati umur yang telah mati dan umur yang masih berbaki”
Abg Halim Ebrahim ~ Graphic pic with msg “Happy Birthday”
Syaaban ~ “Happy besday abe we..haha”
Arieca Iqbal ~ “epi besday”
Adelina Ibrahim ~ “Happy Birthday dik Haqq!!”
Erm.. thanks a lot k to all of you.. andai nama u olz x terselit di atas harap dimaafkan.. mungkin wan terlupa letak ke. But then wan still ucapkan terima kasih and syg kalian semua.. Muaxxxh. Besday this year memang xde celebration disebabkan exam.. Maybe esok kot wan nak gi celebrate sesorang or ntahla.. Okeyla itu jer la kot entry besday wan.. Jumpa lagi.
Lot’s of Love
~ WaNz~
ape2 pun u olz mmg deserve mendapat layanan baik sebegitu.
bukan fames bagai kan?
Hehe thanks tengku li, bila bersahabat harusla i memahami semua orang.. selagi mampu..
jap i rasa tetamu perkahwinan siti lagi meletop.. haha.
Citarasa yang bagaimana tu?? hehehe i olz kawan jer ngan semua orang tengku.. mcm u la kerabat di raja, tapi i tetap kawan jer..